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TestNG Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) | JavaInUse

TestNG Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Q. What is TestNG?

A programming language
A testing framework for Java
A database management system
A web development framework

Q. What does NG stand for in TestNG?

Next Generation
New Generation
Not Good
No Guarantee

Q. Which annotation is used to define a test method in TestNG?


Q. Which of the following is NOT a TestNG annotation?


Q. What is the purpose of @BeforeMethod annotation in TestNG?

It runs before each test method in the current class
It runs before all test methods in the current class
It runs before the test suite
It runs before the test class

Q. How can you specify the order of execution for test methods in TestNG?

By using the @Order annotation
By using the priority attribute in @Test annotation
By naming the methods in alphabetical order
TestNG always executes methods in random order

Q. What is the purpose of groups in TestNG?

To organize test methods into categories
To create user groups for access control
To group test results in the report
To define test priorities

Q. How do you disable a test method in TestNG?

By removing the @Test annotation
By using the @Ignore annotation
By setting enabled = false in @Test annotation
By commenting out the method

Q. What is the purpose of the dependsOnMethods attribute in TestNG?

To specify the order of test methods
To create a dependency between test methods
To group test methods
To define test priorities

Q. What is a data provider in TestNG?

A method that supplies test data to test methods
A class that manages test data
A database connection for test data
An XML file containing test data

Q. How do you specify a timeout for a test method in TestNG?

Using the @Timeout annotation
Using the timeout attribute in @Test annotation
Using a separate configuration file
TestNG doesn't support test timeouts

Q. What is the purpose of the @Parameters annotation in TestNG?

To define method parameters
To pass parameters to test methods from testng.xml
To create global variables
To set test priorities

Q. Which of the following is true about parallel execution in TestNG?

It's not supported by TestNG
It can only be configured programmatically
It can be configured in the testng.xml file
It always runs all tests in parallel

Q. What is the purpose of the @Factory annotation in TestNG?

To create instances of test classes
To define a factory design pattern
To generate test data
To create test suites

Q. How can you rerun failed tests automatically in TestNG?

Using the @Retry annotation
By implementing IRetryAnalyzer interface
By setting retryFailedTests=true in testng.xml
TestNG doesn't support automatic test reruns

Q. What is the purpose of the @Listeners annotation in TestNG?

To add event listeners to test methods
To specify custom TestNG listeners
To create test suites
To define test priorities

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid assertion method in TestNG?


Q. What is the purpose of the invocationCount attribute in the @Test annotation?

To specify the number of times a test method should be invoked
To set the priority of the test method
To define the timeout for the test method
To specify the thread count for parallel execution

Q. What is the purpose of the alwaysRun attribute in the @Test annotation?

To run a test method even if its dependencies have failed
To run a test method in every test suite
To run a test method multiple times
To run a test method in parallel

Q. Which annotation is used to define a method that runs after all tests in a class have been executed?


Q. What is the purpose of the expectedExceptions attribute in the @Test annotation?

To specify which exceptions the test method should catch
To define custom exceptions for the test method
To indicate which exceptions are expected to be thrown by the test method
To handle exceptions in the test method

Q. How can you run TestNG tests from the command line?

Using the "testng" command
Using the "java" command with TestNG jar
Using the "run testng" command
TestNG tests can only be run from an IDE

Q. What is the purpose of the dataProviderClass attribute in the @Test annotation?

To specify a class that contains data provider methods
To define a class for storing test data
To create a new instance of the test class
To specify a class for custom assertions

Q. What is the purpose of the @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups annotations in TestNG?

To define groups of test methods
To run methods before and after specific groups of tests
To create dependencies between groups
To specify the order of group execution

Q. How can you pass parameters to a test method in TestNG?

Using the @Parameters annotation
Using the @DataProvider annotation
Using method arguments
All of the above

Q. What is the purpose of the description attribute in the @Test annotation?

To provide a description of the test method in reports
To add comments to the test method
To specify test dependencies
To define test priorities

Q. What is the purpose of the ITestContext interface in TestNG?

To create custom test contexts
To provide information about the current test run
To define test suites programmatically
To implement custom listeners

Q. How can you configure TestNG to run tests in parallel?

By using the @Parallel annotation
By setting the parallel attribute in the testng.xml file
By using the runInParallel() method
TestNG does not support parallel test execution

Q. What is the purpose of the @ObjectFactory annotation in TestNG?

To create objects for data providers
To instantiate test classes
To generate test data
To create custom test runners

Q. What is the purpose of the successPercentage attribute in the @Test annotation?

To specify the percentage of assertions that must pass
To set a threshold for test performance
To define the success rate for multiple invocations of a test
To calculate the overall success rate of the test suite

Q. How can you skip a test method in TestNG programmatically?

By throwing a SkipException
By returning null from the test method
By using the @Skip annotation
By setting enabled=false in the @Test annotation

Q. What is the purpose of the @BeforeSuite annotation in TestNG?

To run a method before each test method in the suite
To run a method before each test class in the suite
To run a method once before all tests in the suite
To define a suite of tests

Q. How can you generate TestNG reports programmatically?

By using the TestNG Reporter class
By implementing the IReporter interface
By using the @Report annotation
TestNG reports can only be generated automatically