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Selenium Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) | JavaInUse

Selenium Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Q. What is Selenium?

An open-source tool for automating web browsers
A programming language for web development
A database management system
A web server

Q. Which of the following is NOT a component of Selenium?

Selenium Catalyst
Selenium WebDriver
Selenium IDE
Selenium Grid

Q. What is Selenium WebDriver?

An API to write functional tests
A record and playback tool
A tool for running parallel tests
A browser plugin

Q. Which programming languages does Selenium WebDriver support?

Java, Python, C#, Ruby, JavaScript
Only Java
Only Python
Only C#

Q. What is Selenium IDE?

A record and playback tool
A tool for writing test scripts
A tool for running tests in parallel
A database for storing test results

Q. What is the purpose of Selenium Grid?

To run tests in parallel across different machines and browsers
To write test scripts
To record user actions
To manage test data

Q. Which of the following is NOT a supported browser in Selenium?

Internet Explorer 5

Q. What is a WebElement in Selenium?

An interface representing an HTML element
A type of web browser
A Selenium component
A testing framework

Q. Which method is used to enter text into a text box in Selenium WebDriver?


Q. What is the purpose of the click() method in Selenium?

To perform a click action on an element
To double click an element
To right click an element
To hover over an element

Q. What is an XPath in Selenium?

A way to locate elements on a web page
A type of web browser
A Selenium component
A programming language

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid locator strategy in Selenium?


Q. What is implicit wait in Selenium?

A way to tell WebDriver to wait for a certain amount of time before throwing an exception
A way to pause the execution of the script
A method to wait for a specific element to appear
A way to slow down the execution of the script

Q. What is the purpose of the Actions class in Selenium?

To perform complex user interactions like hover and drag-and-drop
To handle alerts and popups
To switch between frames
To take screenshots

Q. What is a desired capability in Selenium?

A way to configure properties of the WebDriver
A type of locator strategy
A method to handle alerts
A way to define test steps

Q. What is the purpose of the switchTo() method in Selenium?

To switch between different windows, frames, or alerts
To switch between different browsers
To switch between different locator strategies
To switch between different Selenium components

Q. What is a Page Object Model in Selenium?

A design pattern that creates an object repository for storing web elements
A type of locator strategy
A Selenium component
A way to generate test reports

Q. What is the purpose of the getTitle() method in Selenium?

To get the title of the current page
To get the URL of the current page
To get the source code of the current page
To get the name of the current browser

Q. What is Selenium?

A web browser
An open-source automation testing tool for web applications
A programming language
A database management system

Q. Which of the following is not a component of Selenium?

Selenium WebDriver
Selenium IDE
Selenium Grid
Selenium Server

Q. Which programming languages are supported by Selenium WebDriver?

Only Java
Java and Python
Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript
All programming languages

Q. What is the purpose of Selenium Grid?

To create test scripts
To run tests in parallel across multiple machines and browsers
To generate test reports
To manage test data

Q. Which method is used to find an element by its ID in Selenium WebDriver?


Q. What is the purpose of implicit waits in Selenium?

To pause the test execution for a fixed amount of time
To wait for a specific condition to be true before proceeding
To set a global timeout for finding elements
To handle JavaScript alerts

Q. Which of the following is not a valid locator strategy in Selenium?


Q. What is the purpose of the Actions class in Selenium WebDriver?

To handle browser alerts
To perform complex user interactions like drag-and-drop
To manage test data
To generate test reports

Q. Which method is used to switch to an iframe in Selenium WebDriver?


Q. What is the purpose of the ExpectedConditions class in Selenium WebDriver?

To define custom assertions
To create test data
To provide a set of predefined conditions for use with WebDriverWait
To handle exceptions in test scripts

Q. Which method is used to execute JavaScript code in Selenium WebDriver?


Q. What is the purpose of the PageFactory class in Selenium WebDriver?

To create test data
To generate test reports
To implement the Page Object Model design pattern
To manage browser configurations

Q. Which of the following is not a valid browser option in Selenium WebDriver?

Opera Mini

Q. What is the purpose of the TakesScreenshot interface in Selenium WebDriver?

To capture screenshots of the browser window
To record video of test execution
To take screenshots of specific web elements
To capture network traffic during test execution

Q. What is the purpose of the Select class in Selenium WebDriver?

To select text on a webpage
To handle dropdown elements and select options
To select multiple elements on a page
To select browser options