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C Switch Case MCQ Questions and Answers | JavaInUse

C Switch Case MCQ Questions and Answers

Q. What is the switch-case statement in C used for?

A. To perform repetitive tasks based on a condition
B. To make decisions based on the value of an expression
C. To loop through a block of code a specified number of times
D. To handle errors and exceptions

Q. What is the default behavior if no break statement is used in a switch case?

A. The program will terminate
B. The next case will be executed
C. The program will enter an infinite loop
D. The default case will be executed

Q. What is the data type of the expression in a switch case?

A. The expression must be of an integer data type
B. The expression can be of any data type
C. The expression must be a character
D. The expression must be a floating-point number

Q. What is the purpose of the "default" case in a switch statement?

A. To handle invalid input
B. To provide a default value if no case matches
C. To exit the switch statement
D. To provide a default case if no break statement is used

Q. Can a switch case have multiple conditions for a single case?

A. Yes, multiple conditions can be specified using logical operators
B. No, each case can have only one condition
C. Yes, multiple conditions can be specified using the comma operator
D. Yes, multiple conditions can be specified using the OR operator

Q. Can a switch case have floating-point numbers as case labels?

A. Yes, floating-point numbers are allowed
B. No, only integer values are allowed
C. Yes, but they must be converted to integers
D. Yes, but they must be enclosed in quotes

Q. Can a switch case have variables as case labels?

A. Yes, variables are allowed as case labels
B. No, only constant values are allowed
C. Yes, but the variables must be declared before the switch statement
D. Yes, but the variables must be of the same data type as the expression

Q. Can a switch case have duplicate case labels?

A. Yes, duplicate case labels are allowed
B. No, each case label must be unique
C. Yes, but only if they have different code blocks
D. Yes, but they must be of the same data type

Q. What is the purpose of the "break" statement in a switch case?

A. To exit the entire program
B. To exit the current case and continue to the next one
C. To exit the switch statement and skip the remaining cases
D. To exit a loop within the switch case

Q. Can a switch case have a range of values for a case label?

A. Yes, a range can be specified using the hyphen (-) operator
B. No, each case label must be a single value
C. Yes, a range can be specified using the colon (:) operator
D. Yes, a range can be specified using the comma (,) operator

Q. Can a switch case have a negative value as a case label?

A. Yes, negative values are allowed
B. No, only non-negative values are allowed
C. Yes, but they must be enclosed in parentheses
D. Yes, but they must be converted to positive values

Q. Can a switch case have a character as a case label?

A. Yes, characters are allowed
B. No, only integer values are allowed
C. Yes, but they must be enclosed in single quotes
D. Yes, but they must be converted to their ASCII values

Q. What is the switch-case statement in C?

A. It is a decision-control statement that allows the program to select one of several sections of code to be executed based on the value of an expression.
B. It is a loop-control statement used to repeat a specific block of code a fixed number of times.
C. It is a jump-control statement used to transfer control to a different part of the program.
D. It is a data-control statement used to manipulate data in a specific way.

Q. What is the purpose of the "break" statement in a switch-case block?

A. It is used to exit the entire switch-case block and continue execution after it.
B. It is used to exit the current case and continue execution with the next case.
C. It is used to exit the current case and repeat the execution of the same case.
D. It is used to exit the current case and jump to a specific labeled section of code.

Q. Can a switch-case statement have multiple expressions to match?

A. Yes, a switch-case statement can have multiple expressions separated by commas.
B. No, a switch-case statement can only have a single expression to match.
C. Yes, a switch-case statement can have multiple expressions by using logical operators.
D. Yes, a switch-case statement can have multiple expressions by using a range operator.

Q. What is the data type of the expression in a switch-case statement?

A. The expression must be of an integer data type.
B. The expression can be of any numeric data type.
C. The expression must be of a character data type.
D. The expression can be of any data type, including user-defined types.

Q. Can a switch-case statement have duplicate case labels?

A. Yes, a switch-case statement can have duplicate case labels.
B. No, a switch-case statement cannot have duplicate case labels.
C. Duplicate case labels are allowed, but they must have the same code block.
D. Duplicate case labels are allowed, but they must be separated by a break statement.

Q. How can you prevent fallthrough in a switch-case statement?

A. By using a break statement at the end of each case.
B. By using a return statement at the end of each case.
C. By using a continue statement at the end of each case.
D. By using a goto statement to jump to the end of the switch block.

Q. Can a switch-case statement have a range of values for a case label?

A. Yes, a switch-case statement can use a range operator to specify a range of values.
B. No, a switch-case statement can only have a single value for each case label.
C. Yes, a switch-case statement can use a logical operator to specify a range of values.
D. Yes, a switch-case statement can use a conditional operator to specify a range of values.