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Bugzilla Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) | JavaInUse

Bugzilla Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Q. What is Bugzilla?

A web-based general-purpose bug tracking system and testing tool.
A desktop application for managing software projects.
A version control system for tracking code changes.
A programming language for developing bug-free software.

Q. Which organization originally developed Bugzilla?

Mozilla Foundation
Apache Software Foundation

Q. What programming language is Bugzilla primarily written in?


Q. What type of database does Bugzilla typically use?


Q. What is a "bug" in Bugzilla terminology?

Any issue or task tracked in the system
Only software defects
Hardware problems
User complaints

Q. What is a "product" in Bugzilla?

A high-level category for organizing bugs
A physical item being sold
A software release
A type of bug severity

Q. What is a "component" in Bugzilla?

A subcategory within a product
A piece of hardware
A software module
A type of bug priority

Q. Which of the following is NOT a typical bug status in Bugzilla?

In Progress

Q. What is a "flag" in Bugzilla?

A way to add metadata or request actions on a bug
A visual indicator of bug priority
A method to mark duplicate bugs
A tool for assigning bugs to developers

Q. What is the purpose of the "Dependency Tree" feature in Bugzilla?

To show relationships between bugs
To display the hierarchy of products and components
To visualize the bug lifecycle
To manage user permissions

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Query"?

A saved search for finding specific bugs
A question asked by a user about a bug
A request for more information about a bug
A bug report submission form

Q. What is the purpose of "Bugzilla Groups"?

To manage user access and permissions
To categorize bugs by severity
To organize products and components
To create teams of developers

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Workflow"?

The process a bug goes through from creation to resolution
A diagram showing bug relationships
A set of automated tasks in Bugzilla
A method for assigning bugs to developers

Q. What is the purpose of "Bugzilla Attachments"?

To add files or images to a bug report
To link related bugs together
To assign additional developers to a bug
To add external links to a bug report

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Milestone"?

A target point or release for fixing a set of bugs
A major version of the Bugzilla software
A measure of bug severity
A type of bug status

Q. What is the purpose of "Bugzilla's Time Tracking" feature?

To record time spent on bug fixes and estimates
To schedule bug fix deadlines
To track bug lifespans
To manage developer work hours

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Extension"?

A plugin that adds new features or modifies existing functionality
An extended deadline for bug fixes
A detailed description added to a bug report
An additional product category

Q. What is "Bugzilla's Voting" feature used for?

To allow users to indicate interest in specific bugs
To elect project managers
To decide on feature implementations
To rate developer performance

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Watch"?

A way to receive notifications about changes to specific bugs
A timer for tracking bug fix durations
A tool for monitoring system performance
A method for scheduling bug reviews

Q. What is the purpose of "Bugzilla's Whine System"?

To send scheduled reminders about bugs
To complain about unresolved bugs
To generate noise when a new bug is reported
To criticize poorly written bug reports

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Comment"?

A note added to a bug report to provide additional information
A criticism of the bug tracking process
A type of bug status
A feature request for Bugzilla itself

Q. What is "Bugzilla's Sanity Check"?

A tool to detect and fix data inconsistencies in the Bugzilla database
A psychological evaluation for stressed developers
A feature to verify the sanity of bug reports
A system to check the mental health of the development team

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Classification"?

A grouping of products in large Bugzilla installations
A method of categorizing bug severity
A system for rating developer skills
A way to organize bug reports by type

Q. What is "Bugzilla's QuickSearch" feature?

A shorthand syntax for creating bug searches
A tool for finding the fastest developers
A method for quickly submitting new bugs
A system for rapid bug triage

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Resolution"?

The final status of a bug when it's closed
The screen resolution required to view Bugzilla
A promise to fix a bug by a certain date
A high-priority bug that needs immediate attention

Q. What is "Bugzilla's Duplicates" feature used for?

Identifying and linking duplicate bug reports
Creating copies of existing bugs
Finding developers who submit similar bugs
Duplicating the entire Bugzilla database

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Patch"?

A file containing code changes to fix a bug
A temporary fix for a Bugzilla software issue
A method for patching security vulnerabilities in Bugzilla
A tool for combining multiple bug reports

Q. What is "Bugzilla's My Dashboard" feature?

A customizable overview of a user's bugs and activities
A control panel for Bugzilla administrators
A graphical representation of bug statistics
A tool for monitoring server performance

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Keyword"?

A short word or phrase used to tag and categorize bugs
A search term used in Bugzilla's search engine
A predefined response to common bug reports
A unique identifier for each bug report

Q. What is "Bugzilla's See Also" feature used for?

Linking to related bugs or external resources
Providing additional reading materials about bug fixing
Suggesting similar bugs to investigate
Referencing Bugzilla documentation

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Target Milestone"?

A goal for when a bug should be fixed
The 1,000,000th bug reported in a Bugzilla instance
A major release of the Bugzilla software
A performance target for bug resolution time

Q. What is "Bugzilla's REST API" used for?

Allowing programmatic interaction with Bugzilla
Providing a restful environment for stressed developers
Resetting the Bugzilla database
Restricting access to sensitive bug reports

Q. What is a "Bugzilla Hook"?

A point in Bugzilla's code where extensions can modify behavior
A tool for catching and removing spam bug reports
A method for linking Bugzilla to version control systems
A feature for scheduling recurring bug checks