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Appium Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) | JavaInUse

Appium Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Q. What is Appium?

A mobile application development framework
An open-source automation tool for mobile apps
A mobile device management system
A mobile app performance monitoring tool

Q. Which programming languages does Appium support?

Only Java
Java and Python
Any language with Selenium WebDriver compatible client libraries
Only JavaScript

Q. What is the default port number for Appium server?


Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid Appium capability?


Q. What is the purpose of the UiAutomator2 driver in Appium?

To automate iOS applications
To automate Android applications
To automate web applications
To automate Windows applications

Q. Which of the following is used to automate iOS applications in Appium?


Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:automationName' capability?

To specify the name of the app under test
To set the name of the Appium server
To choose the automation engine to use
To name the test suite

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid locator strategy in Appium?

accessibility id

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:app' capability?

To specify the application's name
To provide the path to the application file (.apk or .ipa)
To set the application's version
To define the application's package name

Q. Which of the following is true about Appium's architecture?

It uses Selenium WebDriver protocol
It can only automate native mobile apps
It requires modification of the app under test
It only works on physical devices

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:noReset' capability?

To prevent the app from being reinstalled between sessions
To disable the Appium server reset
To skip the initial device setup
To prevent resetting of app data between sessions

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid Appium gesture command?


Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:deviceName' capability?

To specify the exact name of the device to use
To set a custom name for the device in test reports
To indicate the type of device (e.g., phone or tablet)
It's a required capability but its value doesn't matter for real devices

Q. Which of the following is true about Appium Inspector?

It's used to write test scripts
It's a tool for viewing and interacting with the app's UI hierarchy
It's used to compile mobile applications
It's a performance profiling tool

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:appPackage' capability in Android?

To specify the path to the .apk file
To set the name of the application
To define the Java package of the Android app
To indicate the version of the app

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid Appium server argument?


Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:appActivity' capability in Android?

To specify the path to the activity diagram
To set the name of the main activity class
To define the app's permission level
To indicate the app's active status

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:platformVersion' capability?

To specify the version of Appium being used
To set the version of the mobile operating system
To indicate the version of the app under test
To define the version of the Selenium WebDriver protocol

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid Appium driver command?


Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:autoGrantPermissions' capability?

To automatically grant all requested permissions
To list all permissions required by the app
To revoke all permissions for the app
To prompt the user for each permission

Q. Which of the following is true about Appium's support for iOS simulators?

Appium can only test on physical iOS devices
iOS simulators are supported but require additional setup
Appium natively supports iOS simulators without any additional requirements
iOS simulators can only be used with paid versions of Appium

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:newCommandTimeout' capability?

To set a timeout for launching a new app
To specify the maximum time to wait for a new command
To define the timeout for creating a new session
To set a delay between commands

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid strategy for handling app state in Appium?

Using appium:noReset capability
Using appium:fullReset capability
Manually managing app state in test scripts
Using appium:stateControl capability

Q. What is the purpose of the 'mobile:' prefix in some Appium commands?

To indicate commands specific to mobile web testing
To access platform-specific features not in the standard protocol
To differentiate between iOS and Android commands
It's a deprecated prefix and should not be used

Q. Which of the following is true about Appium's support for Android emulators?

Appium can only test on physical Android devices
Android emulators are supported but require additional setup
Appium natively supports Android emulators without any additional requirements
Android emulators can only be used with paid versions of Appium

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:udid' capability?

To specify the unique device identifier for a real device
To set a custom identifier for the app under test
To define the user ID for authentication
To indicate the universal device interface version

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid Appium locator strategy for iOS?

-ios predicate string
-ios class chain
accessibility id
-ios ui automation

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:chromeOptions' capability?

To launch Chrome browser on the device
To set Chrome-specific options for web testing
To enable Chrome DevTools for debugging
To specify the version of ChromeDriver to use

Q. Which of the following is true about Appium's support for testing web applications?

Appium can only test native mobile apps
Web testing is only supported on Android
Appium supports testing web apps on both iOS and Android
Web testing requires a separate Appium installation

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:locationServicesEnabled' capability?

To enable location services on the device
To set a specific location for the device
To grant location permissions to the app
To check if location services are enabled

Q. Which of the following is NOT a valid Appium command for mobile gestures?

mobile: swipe
mobile: pinch
mobile: longClick
mobile: rotate

Q. What is the purpose of the 'appium:deviceReadyTimeout' capability?

To set the timeout for device boot
To specify the maximum wait time for device to be ready
To define the timeout for app installation
To set the timeout for device shutdown