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Agile Methodology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) | JavaInUse

Agile Methodology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)

Q. What is Agile methodology?

A project management approach that emphasizes flexibility and iterative development
A programming language for web development
A software testing technique
A database management system

Q. Which of the following is NOT one of the four core values of the Agile Manifesto?

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
Working software over comprehensive documentation
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Detailed planning over responding to change

Q. What is a Sprint in Scrum?

A meeting to plan the project
A fixed time-box for development work
A tool for tracking progress
A method for estimating story points

Q. What is the primary role of a Scrum Master?

To manage the project timeline and budget
To assign tasks to team members
To facilitate the Scrum process and remove impediments
To determine the product vision and features

Q. What is a user story in Agile?

A detailed technical specification
A brief description of a feature from an end-user perspective
A bug report submitted by users
A project timeline

Q. What is the purpose of a daily stand-up meeting in Scrum?

To report progress to management
To plan the next Sprint
To synchronize activities and identify impediments
To conduct performance reviews

Q. What is the role of the Product Owner in Scrum?

To manage the development team
To write code and fix bugs
To define and prioritize the product backlog
To facilitate Scrum events

Q. What is a burndown chart used for in Agile?

To track the teams velocity
To visualize work remaining over time
To assign tasks to team members
To estimate story points

Q. What is the purpose of a Sprint Retrospective?

To demo the completed work to stakeholders
To plan the next Sprint
To review and improve the teams process
To assign tasks to team members

Q. What is the Definition of Done (DoD) in Agile?

A list of all completed tasks
The end of the Sprint
A shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete
The project deadline

Q. What is the purpose of a Sprint Review in Scrum?

To plan the next Sprint
To demonstrate completed work and get feedback
To assign tasks to team members
To review the teams process

Q. What is the concept of "velocity" in Agile?

The speed at which team members work
A measure of a teams productivity over time
The number of bugs fixed in a Sprint
The time it takes to complete a single task

Q. What is a Kanban board used for in Agile?

To track the project budget
To visualize work and limit work in progress
To assign tasks to team members
To plan Sprints

Q. What is the purpose of story points in Agile estimation?

To measure the time needed to complete a task
To assign tasks to team members
To estimate relative effort or complexity
To track the project budget

Q. What is the primary goal of Continuous Integration in Agile?

To automate the deployment process
To reduce the time between writing code and getting feedback
To eliminate the need for testing
To replace human developers with automated systems

Q. What is the concept of "timeboxing" in Agile?

Allocating a fixed time period to an activity
Tracking time spent on tasks
Estimating the duration of the entire project
Scheduling meetings

Q. What is the purpose of a Product Backlog in Scrum?

To list all completed tasks
To track daily progress
To store an ordered list of desired product features
To assign tasks to team members

Q. What is the purpose of a Sprint Planning meeting in Scrum?

To review the completed work from the previous Sprint
To plan the work for the upcoming Sprint
To conduct team performance reviews
To assign roles to team members

Q. What is the concept of "Done" in Agile?

When all tasks are completed
When the project is finished
A shared understanding of what it means for work to be complete
When the client approves the work

Q. What is the role of a cross-functional team in Agile?

A team that works across multiple projects
A team with all the skills needed to complete the work
A team that only focuses on one specific function
A team that works in different time zones

Q. What is the purpose of a Sprint Goal in Scrum?

To set a target for team velocity
To provide a shared objective for the Sprint
To determine individual performance metrics
To plan the entire project timeline

Q. What is the concept of "empirical process control" in Scrum?

Using historical data to predict future outcomes
Making decisions based on what is observed
Following a predetermined plan without deviation
Controlling the teams work through strict processes

Q. What is the purpose of the "Three Questions" in the Daily Scrum?

To report progress to management
To assign tasks to team members
To synchronize activities and create a plan for the day
To evaluate individual performance

Q. What is the concept of "information radiators" in Agile?

Devices that broadcast project updates
Tools that automatically generate reports
Physical displays of project information
Software for team communication

Q. What is the purpose of "backlog refinement" in Scrum?

To add new items to the backlog
To remove completed items from the backlog
To review, estimate, and prioritize backlog items
To assign backlog items to team members

Q. What is the concept of "sustainable pace" in Agile?

Working overtime to meet deadlines
Maintaining a consistent, manageable workload over time
Increasing productivity by working longer hours
Reducing work hours to prevent burnout

Q. What is the purpose of a "spike" in Agile development?

To quickly fix critical bugs
To explore and research a problem or potential solution
To increase team velocity
To add new features rapidly

Q. What is the concept of "collective ownership" in Agile?

All team members own an equal share of the company
The entire team is responsible for the project's success
Only management owns the product
Each team member owns specific parts of the codebase

Q. What is the purpose of a "definition of ready" in Agile?

To define when a project is ready to start
To determine when a team member is ready for a new task
To specify criteria for when a backlog item is ready to be worked on
To decide when the product is ready for release

Q. What is the concept of "servant leadership" in Agile?

Leaders who prioritize their own needs
A hierarchical leadership structure
Leaders who focus on serving the needs of the team
A system where team members take turns being the leader

Q. What is the purpose of a "retrospective prime directive" in Agile?

To set the main goal for the next Sprint
To establish a blame-free context for retrospectives
To determine the teams primary responsibility
To define the project's main objective

Q. What is the concept of "T-shaped skills" in Agile teams?

Skills that are only useful in technical roles
Having deep expertise in one area and broad knowledge in many areas
Skills that are transferable across all industries
Having equal proficiency in all areas of development