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Top OpenShift (2024) Interview Questions | JavaInUse

OpenShift Interview Questions

In this post we will look at Open Shift Interview questions. Examples are provided with explanation.

Q: What is OpenShift?
OpenShift is a computer software product from Red Hat for container-based software deployment and management. It is a supported distribution of Kubernetes using Docker containers and DevOps tools for accelerated application development.

Q: Explain difference between Openshift and Openstack?
Both OpenStack and OpenShift Origin are open source projects, and both provide cloud computing foundations. However, they do not compete with each other. OpenStack provides "Infrastructure-as-a-Service", or "IaaS". It provides bootable virtual machines, networking, block storage, object storage, and so forth.

Q: How are Pods in OpenShift?
Pods are the rough equivalent of a machine instance (physical or virtual) to a container. Each pod is allocated its own internal IP address, therefore owning its entire port space, and containers within pods can share their local storage and networking. OpenShift leverages the Kubernetes concept of a pod , which is one or more containers deployed together on one host, and the smallest compute unit that can be defined, deployed, and managed. OpenShift treats pods as largely immutable; changes cannot be made to a pod definition while it is running.

Q: What is Container in OpenShift?
OpenShift is a computer software product from Red Hat for container-based software deployment and management. It is a supported distribution of Kubernetes using Docker containers and DevOps tools for accelerated application development.

Q: What is Gear in OpenShift?
OpenShift called these isolated clusters "gears."In an abstract sense, the work that gears produced was called the "application." Rather than a branded piece of software, an application was a job performed by gears. A construct made up of reusable gears that other gears might need, was called a cartridge.

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